

Les élèves de Première MG3 et de Terminale MG3 ont assisté le vendredi 8 octobre aux projections de « Music of My Life » ainsi que de « The Keeper » lors du dernier Festival des scolaires du film Britannique de Dinard.

Les élèves ont beaucoup apprécié ces deux films ainsi que la pause déjeuner bien ensoleillée ! L’émotion véhiculée par ces deux films, ainsi que le temps magnifique et la bonne humeur générale, ont contribué à faire de cette journée un grand moment de partage pour ce début d’année !

Les 1MG3 et les TM3 au Dinard Film Festival

“We first watched ‘Music of My Life’ which tells the story of a Pakistani teenager named Javed living in England in the 1980s. Javed discovers the songs of Bruce Springsteen and it changes his life. He then wants to become a writer but he is confronted with the opposition and severity of his father. He also has to deal with racism and discrimination. We liked this movie because the hero manages to make his dreams come true and we found the end touching when Javed delivers a very moving speech for his parents. After the lunch break, we headed to the Palais of the Arts to watch ‘The Keeper’. This movie is about Bert Trautmann a German soldier who is a prisoner in England and who becomes a famous soccer goalkeeper for the Manchester City team. Although the subject of the film is about soccer, the movie is more a drama about achievement, forgiveness, love and loss of a loved one.”

Isabelle ÉTIENNE et les élèves de 1MG3 et TMG3
